Our Intent:
Every child can achieve in Maths. Each one is an individual who is numerate, creative, independent, inquisitive, enquiring and confident. We provide a stimulating environment with exciting resources so that pupils can develop their mathematical skills to the full.
Please see our Progression in Maths below:
Maths at Moorside:
All children are working towards age-related expectations which they follow through their learning journeys on our Maths spiders.
Each term they visit approximately 4 or 5 different areas of learning, which are delivered using concrete resources and pictoral representations, so that children understand the language and symbols in Maths. The children develop their fluency in each area (practice it until they have grasped a skill/concept) before applying their skill to a problem solving scenario. We teach children how to reason so that they can justify, generalise, prove, explain and explore their answers so that they can ‘make sense of maths’.
Mental Maths (arithmetic) progress is the key to developing an understanding of place value and the number system to support calculations, as well as learning strategies, to make connections between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio. We teach Mental Maths strategies using Rising Stars resources and assessments, as well as using a range of methods to teach children their times tables.
National expectations in times tables are as follows:
End of Year 2: To know by heart all x and ÷ facts for 2,5 and 10x tables up to x12.
End of Year 3: To know by heart all x and ÷ facts for 3,4 and 6 x tables up to x12.
End of Year 4: To know by heart all x and ÷ facts for 7,8,9,11, and 12 x tables up to x 12.
Year 5 and Year 6: To use knowledge of place value and x facts to 12 x 12 to derive x and ÷ facts involving decimals….0.6 x 4=2.4.
Please click here for our Maths Calculation Policy – Addition & Subtraction Part 1 (Years 1-6).
Please click here for our Maths Calculation Policy – Addition & Subtraction Part 2 (Years 1-6).
Please click here for our Maths Calculation Policy – Multiplication & Division (Years 1-6).
Please click here for our Maths Calculation Policy – Multiplication & Division Strategies (Years 1-6).
Please click here for our Maths Calculation Policy – Multiplication & Division TimesTables (Years 1-6).
Please click here for Reception – The Counting Principles.
Please click here for Reception – Key Representations.
Please click here for our Progression in Bar Modelling document.
Please click here for our Progression in Maths Vocabulary.